that handsfree life
treasure & bond backpack | trouve skirt | rails shirt | photo by jnelly photography
If y'all have read here for any amount of time, or you know me IRL, then you know backpacks are my jam. And that I wear them constantly. Because it's clearly so fashion-y to wear the same bag every day, with no regard for whether it matches or compliments my outfit at all.
Welcome to the family, Rag and Bone backpack. I'll try not to trash you inside of 3 weeks. | hinge shirt | blanknyc suede dress (p.s. this dress is 50% off, and getting it's own post soon!) | photo by jnellyphotography
Dear Backpacks,
It's no secret that I love you. In a way that is COMPLETELY NORMAL, not at all obsessive, and why are you backing away slowly?
I don't know if it's your ease & functionality, OR if you just make me nostalgic for high school days. Maybe it's because you allow my hands to be available in case I need to yank a certain 4 year old out of the clothing racks at Nordstrom, as he tries to set a record for how many clothes can be pulled off a hanger in a minute.
It could be any of these reasons. But mainly it's the way you hold all my snacks. I mean, SNACKS FOR THE KIDS.
Another handsfree option we can (and should) embrace is the fanny pack. Excuse me, BELT BAG. Which reminds me......
Dear Fanny Packs,
I see you. Feeling all fancy now that you've rebranded yourselves as "belt bags." You're still a fanny pack, and you're still the thing that our dads wore proudly during that family trip to Disney back in 1989. Automatically ensuring that we could never, ever, EVER call you stylish, or even admit your practicality factor.
Except now we are old enough to know that our parents were actually right about EVERYTHING, and we embrace you with open arms, as the handsfree miracle that you are.
Plus, as we all know, if Free People fringes it, I'll wear it. You're my new ride or die, fanny pack. Prepare to be worn into the ground. (Just ask my good friend Backpack.)
P.S. I'm pretty sure the nice people over at Free People made this for me. Who am I to argue with their fringe-stincts?
You can shop ALL my favorite handsfree bags below, and you can ALSO know I won't judge if you suddenly need one. Or 17.