RATMJ approved black friday deals
rails button down (softest button down of all time, ON SALE) | Stuart weitzman boots (on MAJOR sale-50% off!)
Y’all. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE ALL BEEN TRAINING FOR. And pushing & shoving for Black Friday deals is so 2003, guys. Light a fire, throw on that Snuggie, and get your holiday shopping DONE like the professional shopaholic, I mean, BOSS that you are.
I’ve scoured the internet for the BEST Black Friday deals around. I’m wearing two of my personal favorites in the photo above (hi Rails top and Stuart Weitzman boots!). You know what’s really fun? To watch them go WAY on sale AFTER YOU BUY THEM AND WEAR THEM ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Don’t be like me.
Sherri’s Steps for a Successful Black Friday
Step One: Click on the item above.
Step Two: Just go ahead and click on ALL the items above. You know you want to.
Step Three: Tell yourself that you are purchasing this for your mother/sister/friend. *WINK
Step Four : Mentally comment on what great taste your mother/sister/friend has in fashion.
Step Five: Get those Black Friday deals, and remind yourself that when it is on SALE, it is also not free.
Step Six : Congratulate yourself on being SO FRUGAL and shopping for OTHERS. (*wink, WINK)
Step Seven: Go watch Love Actually with some hot chocolate for the 1,137 time. You’ve earned it.
Happy shopping y’all,