friday faves : boot edition


Confession: these pics are from last year. I know. I KNOW. #blogger fail.  I'm linking to super similar boot styles below, and if you want me to find anything above, just drop me an email or a comment, and I'm ON IT. P.S. Let's all pretend that I'm just trying to show you the classic nature of these styles, and not that it's been too hot to even contemplate boots yet. 

Since my love language is basically BOOTS, ALL THE BOOTS!, and since I know y'all have already typed double-spaced and linked up made your holiday wish lists, today, we're gonna talk about BOOTS.

And hopefully, if we talk about them enough the weather will hear us and actually GET COLD, so as to let me wear my uggs on the reg. 

(Don't try to tell me Uggs are gross/unfashionable. I will not care, and I will continue to wear them with my sweatpants all the day long. Because, #worldsokayestfashionblogger.)

Guys, I'm about to drop the wisdom-iest wisdom that I've ever dropped, okay? Get ready.


But not just any boots, y'all. I'm gonna tell you the top 5 boot categories, as told by Sherri, which doesn't count for much because she may or may not have a serious BOOT ADDICTION.

1. OTK Boots and/OR the Slouch Boot

These are the workhorse of a fall/winter closet guys. They are flattering ON EVERYONE. Small ankles? Super cute. Cankle-itis? No one will know because your boots are so dang good.

2. The Moto Boot

I love moto boots. So very, very much. Because they just add a little bit of badassery to any outfit you pair them with. And I am ALL ABOUT extra badassery. 

(or just any badassery)

Also, you should understand that I use the term moto boot to include anything from moto to combat boot, and everything in between. Because this is my blog, #andicandowhatiwant.

3. The Sock Bootie 

I did NOT want to like this trend. Like, I have really tried to resist it, because I'm all WEAR A SOCK and skip the bootie people. However, I tried some on, and the had me at hello, for real. 

4. The Studded Bootie

This may be a throwback to my childhood, but I kinda wanna embellish absolutely everything I own with studs. 

5. The Leopard OR Floral Bootie

I know you've read it on every. single. style blog you read: Leopard is a neutral, y'all! But, for real though, it IS. You can wear it with ANYTHING, and you will look cool and all oh hey I just throw pattern around LIKE A FREAKING BOSS, SON.

(P.S. The floral bootie is in the same vein for me, but slightly sweeter...which may feel more on brand for some of y'all. And that is just fine, go rock your floral booties LIKE THE BOSS YOU CLEARLY ARE.)

What did I miss? And where can I find them? 

Until next time,