Posts tagged fun for kids
do-it-yourself spring garland with scotties

***it’s an oldie but a goodie today! I promise you guys some new content as soon as I stop having panic attacks about the beginning of life with a MIDDLE. SCHOOL. GIRL. #allthedrama #allthetime

It’s a little ironic that Scotties reached out to me about collaborating on a project, because the sheer amount of tissues my people have been using over the last 2 months will probably bankrupt us soon. So when Scotties asked if they could send me some boxes featuring their new spring designs, I was all SEND HELP AND BY HELP I MEAN ALLLLLL THE TISSUES AND BTW WHEN CAN WE START?!

Now, we’re into allergy season. So guess what we need more of? TISSUES. If I’m being honest, I’ve kind of avoided the “conveniently placed tissue box” route, in favor of the “blow your nose until it’s raw using only toilet paper and paper towels” method. Why? Because most tissue boxes aren’t all that decorative. Enter Scotties spring designs, which look great in virtually every room in my home. Not only that, there are SO MANY fun ways to upcycle these bad boys. My personal favorite is using the empty boxes to make a cute spring-y garland.

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