top 5 ways to wear plaid this fall


jessandlove rock & roll tee (y’all go check out their tees & matching sets! So cute!) | target ‘wild fable’ plaid pants | rag and bone ankle boot (similar here) | all saints leather jacket (similar here)

Like, I’m not saying plaid DEFINITELY makes me feel like Britney circa Baby One More Time.

But I’m not saying it doesn’t either.

(You know, except minus the sexy schoolgirl part, and plus a lot of tired late-30’s mom vibes. So basically the same.)

Incorporating plaid into your outfit feels so on-trend right now, while still maintaining it’s classic status. (Don’t @ me; plaid is a classic in my book. Actually go ahead and @ me, as long as you agree with me.)

So, here’s how to rock some plaid this fall, in order of least to most aggressive. I’ll bet you can guess which end of the spectrum I’m gonna live on.

  1. Ease into this trend by wearing a plaid hair accessory. This one is super cute, but isn’t all LOOK AT ME, I’M WEARING PLAID!!!!!

  2. Plaid shoes are probably my new favorite thing. I’ve been hunting down the perfect pair like a freaking bloodhound. (A bloodhound with great taste in shoes.) Anyway, THESE are currently winning. Basically everything.

  3. A plaid button-down is a great way to wear this trend. You’ll have to wear it while frolicking in a pumpkin patch with a pumpkin spice latte, but I’m here for that. *You do get MAJOR points for a NON pumpkin patch button-down.

  4. Plaid pants are for when you’re feeling kinda sassy.. Don’t go too preppy on top, or you’ll feel like you have to go meet Chadwick at the golf club.. My Target plaid pants actually PULL ON, and were only $22. So, basically I’m winning at life and plaid-ing.

  5. For the advanced among you, a full on plaid dress (OR overalls!) is the bossest plaid move around. I feel like these want to come live with me. Head to toe plaid vibes.

*Orders Free People plaid overalls for “blog research.” Blatantly ignores John’s comments about being a farmer fashionista. Shares the plaid love with her favorite blog readers.

How about you? Are you pro plaid? All out or baby steps? More importantly, are you going to play golf with Chadwick later?

Jk, go rock that plaid vibe y’all. I know I will be.