wear two ways : the pencil skirt

I am ALL ABOUT finding multiple ways to wear my clothes. In fact, the more versatile an item of clothing is, the more it is free. In my mind. #sherrimath is a real thing. Or at least I'm trying to make it into one, so that I can convince John that I am actually frugal. 

It's not working. 

Anyway, while I was basically squatting at my local Nordstrom the last 3 weeks, I was introduced to this skirt. And before I show you why it is SO GOOD, let me just say this:  I was pretty certain this skirt and I wouldn't be friends. In fact, I would have probably never tried it. But then. THEN I did. And now we are married and I have to wear it EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  #rash

Moral of the story? Try things before you decide that you hate them. In clothes, and probably also in life, tbh.

Anyway, here's how I would style my new love for work. A date night. Or anything that's not #momlife related. 

How do you wear a pencil skirt? Here’s two ways:

1) The “fancy” way.


K, so now that we've covered how to be fancy, let's be UNFANCY. I have a theory: Add comfy sneaks and a graphic tee to basically anything, and it will be #momlife approved. And since everything you read on the internet is true, then I am right. 

2) The “unfancy” way.


In conclusion: Go buy this skirt. Marry it if you're weird like me. Style it with EVERYTHING. (Yes, olive IS the Switzerland of clothing, and plays nice with EVERYONE. But there is also a black version available, if you just can't with the olive.)

Until next time,