30 and 30
About 6 years ago, we started a super fun tradition, that has easily become one of my Christmas favorites.
(And by "started," I obviously mean, "straight up stole the idea off Pinterest.")
Anyway, every holiday season, John and I pick a night, and give each other $30 and 30 minutes to fill each others stockings. (I was going to say "stuff," but that sounded dirty and this isn't that kind of blog, okay?!)
Basically, this entails 30 minutes of running around Target, trying to hide from each other as we hum the mission impossible song and shoot finger guns LIKE A BOSS.
(Actually, the security people will start following you around for the finger guns. Maybe leave that part out.)
A couple of things to note about this tradition:
1. One of you WILL follow the rules and stay under $30, despite gentle reminders that exceeding the limit would be fine, because it obviously means that you love me more, no REALLY.
2. One of you will decide that rules are made to be broken and will clock in somewhere around $50. (Remember, $20 over a limit is basically the same thing as 99 cents over the limit. #sherrimath)
Apparently, normality is not something I can achieve in pictures.
3. You will absolutely get strange looks, and as mentioned before, a possible security escort.
4. You WILL run into each other SO HIDE YO TREATS, HIDE YO GIFTS.
5. You will get caught trying to sneak other randomness into your cart, because TARGET.
I feel that the lady in the background is disapproving of my weirdness.
6. Trying to race your carts down the middle aisle may or may not get you banned from certain Targets that shall remain nameless.
7. On that note, select your Target store with care. In other words, pick the one with the killer dollar spot and preferably, a jelly bean aisle.
In conclusion, DO THIS with your husband, bestie, kids, or whomever you wish. I know it's close to Christmas and there may not be time this year (blame my children, and the fact that schools find it necessary to have WINTER BREAK). Either way, put this one on your holiday bucket list. I promise you will have ALL THE FUN, and besides, if everyone participates, then we can start a #30and30 hashtag...and what is more fun than that?
(A lot of things.)
Merry #30and30!