hey spring

topshop blouse | frame denim | jeffrey campbell shoes | noonday collection earrings | photos by jnelly photography

It's officially SPRING!. And that means we can bust out ALL THE SPRING CLOTHES, even if it's 42 degrees in the morning. It's SPRING, DANG IT. The calendar says so.


Really all I can tell you is if there is a "springy-er" color than this pastel blue, I dare you to find it. It's all "hi, Spring, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING COLD AGAIN. Just look at my shoulders peeking through. This is clearly a sign of warm weather, and I encourage you to comply."

Because the weather obeys my clothing choices, obviously.

No. It really doesn't. 

However my wishful thinking does. 

And for the record, I'm fairly positive I had a pair of jeans JUST LIKE THIS in 1997.  Let's all pretend I could still fit into them, had they not rashly gone to live at goodwill. 

Finally, allow me to draw your attention to these shoes. I am in a relationship with them. Don't judge me. They are comfortable and sassy, and a little bad-ass-y.  

(And really, aren't we all?)

Until next time,