it's anthro day
And YOU get an Anthro Day! And YOU get an Anthro Day! And YOUUUUUUUU GET AN ANTHRO DAY!
(You'll have to pay for it yourself, of course. But you still get one.)
Guys, listen. This is what we have been training for. (Besides Black Friday, Cyber Monday, all the Christmas-ing and the Anniversary Sale.)
It's 25% off full price purchases today, because our beloved, Anthropologie, is turning 25. And I've gotta say, Anthro, you look good kid.
(And EW, that I can call a 25 year old "kid." What is this life?)
I've collected a few of my favorites, and I'm basically practicing my meditative breathing in order to not THROW THEM ALL IN MY CART WITH WILD ABANDON.
j/k. I obviously threw these jeans into my cart with wild abandon. And now they are on sale. #ofcoursetheyare