Posts tagged friday faves
friday favorites : back to school edition

Guys, get excited! It's FRIDAYYYYYY FAVORITESSSSSS!!! 

(I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes. I AM pretending to be Oprah. Act like it's normal, okay?)

If you're anything like me, you've been drowning in a sea of back to school this, and back to school that. You've probably taken your kids back to school shopping, gotten back to school haircuts, and attended a million back to school events.

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friday faves : snow daze edition

Since it's Friday, and we're talking favorites, can I first share what is my UN-favorite of the week? 

Of course you can, Sherri! We are hanging on every word!

Having conversations with yourself is just one of the things you can expect following 2 days of children at home, in your face, hanging on your arm, going to the bathroom with you, and just generally giving you no privacy or space. (INSERT MANIC, CRAZY LAUGH HERE.)

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friday favorites : first of 2018

It's Friday Favorites guys! And guess what? Since it's my first Friday Faves in 2018, I tried to make it EXTRA AMAZING for y'all. 

Unfortunately, I failed to save the extra amazing version, SO you'll have to settle for the mediocre version I typed from memory while cursing sleepy Sherri who forgot to hit the freaking save button.

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friday faves : what the elf edition

It's Friday favorites, guys. You know what's NOT my Friday favorite? When school closes early because of what is essentially a blizzard to us southerners, and then YOUR POWER IMMEDIATELY GOES OUT. But on the upside, I learned what my kids' Friday favorite is : complaining. And arguing. And complaining some more.  

In what is obviously a healthy coping strategy (i.e. escapism), I decided to round up a list of things that have brightened my week, starting with this: everything at Anthropologie is 30% off! And we all know that snow = shopping weather = everything is free. Or something like that. 

Let's take a peek at a couple of my other favorites, shall we?

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seeing red

Really this post should be titled BUYING all the red. Because that is what I'm doing.

(Unless you are John, in which case I am not.)

Y'all. I am obsessed with the color red. And not just because I went to THE BEST school in the SEC (#godawgs), although it helps. If you want to update your wardrobe this fall, but without spending a zillion dollars to do, then incorporate some red.

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Friday Favorites

It's Friday guys! And if you're a parent, this means that even though you had to drag, bribe, and/or shove your children out of their beds every morning this week, tomorrow they will be up at 6am. 

Fortunately, this is why the Good Lord invented technology. (Maybe for science and stuff too. But mostly so tired parents can have 30 extra minutes on a Saturday morning.)

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