Posts tagged amazon
Adulting Survival Kit with Scotties

Listen y’all, let’s be honest: if you LOOK like you’re old enough to have had a midlife crisis, (or be on the verge of one), people generally assume you are a responsible adult. As opposed to the kind of adult who unknowingly wears her pants inside out for an entire day. Hypothetically. ISH.

Basically, I need an adult of my own. (*My mom happily volunteers as tribute.)

The thing is, when you’re of a certain age, people just expect you to know things. Like, how to do your taxes. How to balance a checkbook. (Millennials be like, what’s a checkbook?? Ewwwwww!) to sew a button onto a shirt. Which my actual daughter can do, btw. She is now my adult. And will now receive the gift of doing the adulting.

AG: Thanks. I hate it.

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how amazon saved fashion week

Can y’all say cute clothes and affordable lookalikes?? Now snap your fingers twice, shout “AMAZON FOR THE WIN!,” and spin around 3 times. Become dizzy enough to accidentally fall onto the purchase button, and voila! Your officemates think you’re a weirdo, but you now own all of the staples I’m sharing below.

(Except you don’t, unless you paid for them. So go ahead and pay for them. I’ll wait.)

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amazon and appendicitis

Well, sometimes you plan to have all kinds of great holiday content pre-planned and ready to go the moment Black Friday hits. You just KNOW you’ll be super organized and on top of it, JUST LIKE ALWAYS AND WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING LIKE THAT?

#rude #butalsoaccurate

My goal was to plan content for the entire month of December, well in advance. And by “well in advance,” I mean November 29th, because apparently I DO NOT understand my actual personality or my organizational capabilities.

But, as The People Who Make Up Cheesy Quotes once said, Life is what happens when you’re busy making plans. And I’d just like to rephrase that in a way that feels more authentic:

Appendicitis is what happens WHEN YOU’RE BUSY MAKING PLANS. x

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j.crew mercantile + amazon fashion

*Finds out J.Crew Mercantile is available on Amazon.

*Races John to the credit cards before he can run them through his shredder.

*Laughs evilly at the look on John’s face when he realizes I’ve got those bad boys memorized.

It’s always been high-quality, but remember when J.Crew used to be a bit more, ahem, AFFORDABLE? And you know how now, when you browse the J.Crew website, the prices hurt your feelings? (Not to mention your bank account?)

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friday favorites : back to school edition

Guys, get excited! It's FRIDAYYYYYY FAVORITESSSSSS!!! 

(I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes. I AM pretending to be Oprah. Act like it's normal, okay?)

If you're anything like me, you've been drowning in a sea of back to school this, and back to school that. You've probably taken your kids back to school shopping, gotten back to school haircuts, and attended a million back to school events.

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