Posts tagged mom blogger
living that lemon life

You know what they always say: When life gives you lemons, slap 'em on every piece of clothing you own and wear the heck outta them. 

What? Is that not how it goes?

But seriously y'all, lemons are fetch and also EVERYWHERE. They are this year's palm print, if you will. And you will, because I'm the Regina George of this blog. 

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mama's day

I have to start this post with a disclaimer. I know Mother's Day is hard for some of y'all. And for you, I wish I could reach through this computer and give you your OWN DANG mother's day gift. You deserve it. Because you've had to do the hardest work of all. You've had to deal with grief. Or loss. Or maybe you've had to learn to be a mother, when you never had a great example from which to learn. And you are badasses. All of you.

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dear boy moms

dear boy moms,

I get it. 

I. GET. IT. 

I'll be totally honest, I was team girl ALL THE WAY after having Ally Grace. She and I have always had a special bond, and I kept thinking how amazing it would be to have nothing but daughters. Because we would obviously spend our time shopping, getting our nails done, and talking about boys. (I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom. Duh.)

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friday favorites : swimsuit edition

It's friday favorites time! And YOU get a bathing suit, and YOU GET A BATHING SUIT. (Unless you don't want one. Also you have to buy it. Do I look like Oprah over here?)

Wait, I need a minute to think about what it would like to be Oprah. I would give stuff away all the live long day. And call myself Shoprah. This is obviously normal and NOT WEIRD AT ALL to be thinking about. 


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a day in the hustle

Moms are pretty much total #bosses, right? And I think we can agree that we are all seriously HUSTLING.  Like all day, erryday. (The answer is NO. I don't know why I think I can get away with saying erryday. BUT, I'm GONNA.)  Whether you are a mom who works inside the home, outside the home, or some combination of both, you're going to LOVE this post by my blogger friend, Cait. She's gonna fill us in on what her daily mom hustle looks like, and we can all be inspired. And maybe slightly jealous of the way her husband brings her coffee in bed. (AHEM. Hi, JOHN.) 

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