Posts tagged lifestyle blog

Today our marriage is a fourteen year old. So we’re gonna talk about John y’all. And not ONLY to say something outlandish to see if actually reads the blog. Although that will be an added bonus. Muahahaha.

See, today, we’ve been married for FOURTEEN years. I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is YES. Yes, I WAS a child bride. I met John the very day I moved to Atlanta for my first job out of college. What followed was a quick breakup with my current boyfriend, because I knew SOMETHING about John was different. And even though I couldn’t remember his first name after our last meeting (I just referred to him as “the hot guy from that thing”), I knew I’d see him again, and I KNEW he was special.

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The other day, while visiting my mom and dad, and my mom whips out a cake and says, HAPPY ADOPTION BIRTHDAY! Which I had completely forgotten, because children have sucked all of my brains out like little zombie people. But you'd better believe I"ll take any excuse I can find to celebrate a birthday. I also had a couple of epiphanies (because I'm fancy and say words like EPIPHANY): 

1. I am now 26 years old, and it would be RUDE TO ARGUE. 

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mama's day

I have to start this post with a disclaimer. I know Mother's Day is hard for some of y'all. And for you, I wish I could reach through this computer and give you your OWN DANG mother's day gift. You deserve it. Because you've had to do the hardest work of all. You've had to deal with grief. Or loss. Or maybe you've had to learn to be a mother, when you never had a great example from which to learn. And you are badasses. All of you.

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spring cleaning top 5

Spring cleaning is so fun! It's just my favorite! 

Said NO ONE EVER. If anything, hoarding is more my favorite than spring cleaning. 

I used to have people tricked into thinking I was extremely organized. All you had to do was come to my house, and stay ONLY in the living room. And not open any drawers. Or cabinets. Or the coat closet. Unless you wanted to be subject to my secret hoarding shame.

And I don't know how many of you can relate, but the mere IDEA of buckling down and organizing basically any part of my house, had me needing a break. Because (*Kim K voice) this is exhausting. 

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dear boy moms

dear boy moms,

I get it. 

I. GET. IT. 

I'll be totally honest, I was team girl ALL THE WAY after having Ally Grace. She and I have always had a special bond, and I kept thinking how amazing it would be to have nothing but daughters. Because we would obviously spend our time shopping, getting our nails done, and talking about boys. (I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom. Duh.)

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