thanksgiving day style

socialite dress | louise et cie booties | astr jacket | rayban sunglasses | rebecca minkoff backpack | photos by jnelly photography

Lots of bloggers have started posting their holiday gift guides, which is getting me into a lot of trouble with the nice people at American Express.  (J/k they love me. It's getting me into trouble with a certain husband.)  Somehow I missed the memo that we're skipping straight to Christmas this year, and had already decided to write a #thanksgivingstyle post. #becauseifwedonthashtagitdidnthappen #alsoiamunpreparedforchristmas

Anyway, back to thanksgiving style. There's a certain amount of strategy involved in this decision.  You have to really consider the massive GORGING that is about to take place.  Therefore, make sure you:

1. Wear elastic. Or spandex. Or ANYTHING THAT STRETCHES. Do not, under any circumstances, wear leather pants, unless you want to feel like Ross on Friends. (Y'all know what I'm talking about. You're my people.)

2. Consider a jersey dress, like the one above. Because guess what? Your sweatpants/pj pants can be thrown on right under it, the very moment the meal ends. You don't even have to change your top.  #versatile

3. Don't wear anything tight around the mid-section. FOR THE LOVE. This includes cropped tops, bodysuits, and/or anything designed by Kendall and Kylie. Just saying.

4. Comfortable shoes, in the event that you get peer-pressured into some pre-black Friday shopping, like my sister-in-law will. (Hi, Sara!) This rule also comes in handy should there be 37 children to chase around after the dinner.  (Warning: kids do not succumb to the post-meal turkey nap. Be ready.)

5.  Fall colors are good. It is, however, thoroughly acceptable to change into your red + green IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE THANKSGIVING MEAL. See how fast you can throw on some Christmas music, a Santa sweater, and get your tree up. #bonuspoints

6. Go get yourself a freaking Peppermint Mocha, and get your clicking fingers ready. Because, 'tis (almost) the season to shop your face off. 

(p.s. there WILL be gift guides, coming SOON. Says the girl who's already very helpfully sent her typed, double-spaced, and linked Christmas wish list to her husband. #helovesbeingmarriedtome)

Until next time,