friday faves : what the elf edition

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It's Friday favorites, guys. You know what's NOT my Friday favorite? When school closes early because of what is essentially a blizzard to us southerners, and then YOUR POWER IMMEDIATELY GOES OUT. But on the upside, I learned what my kids' Friday favorite is : complaining. And arguing. And complaining some more.  

In what is obviously a healthy coping strategy (i.e. escapism), I decided to round up a list of things that have brightened my week, starting with this: everything at Anthropologie is 30% off! And we all know that snow = shopping weather = everything is free. Or something like that. 

Let's take a peek at a couple of my other favorites, shall we?


1.  The mom who wins Christmas. Um, this mom is brilliant. And if she's available, I'd like to hire her to parent my children. 


2. The Popcast : Urban Dictionary X 

I know I've told y'all about the Popcast, and if you didn't listen and start binge-ing with wild abandon, well, you need to get your priorities straight and your mind right. The Popcast suggests starting with these gems, and I suggest that you prepare to be the weirdo laughing hysterically to herself in the carpool line. 


3. The Best Holiday Candle EVER

Y'all, no joke, I buy this candle in bulk every holiday season. I am basically too OCD for a real Christmas tree, and also semi-afraid it would have a nest of baby spiders living inside (because that is obviously a normal and completely reasonable fear). This candle smells like a real tree, but without the imaginary spider babies. 

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4. My new favorite wardrobe staple 

Y'all LOVED this blazer. I have gotten more questions about this jacket than anything I've ever posted. This means that A) I'm going to start wearing it with everything, including pajamas and bathing suits. And B) you guys need to snag one before they're all sold out. 


5. The earrings that HAD BETTER BE UNDER MY TREE, SANTA.

I'm really not trying to be super bossy (YES. I AM.) But if Santa really loves me and treasures our 13 years of marriage, he will be sure to gift me with these earrings. Because we share a love that is both mature,  AND represented by Free People accessories. 

Until next time,
