friday favorites : first of 2018
It's Friday Favorites guys! And guess what? Since it's my first Friday Faves in 2018, I tried to make it EXTRA AMAZING for y'all.
Unfortunately, I failed to save the extra amazing version, SO you'll have to settle for the mediocre version I typed from memory while cursing sleepy Sherri who forgot to hit the freaking save button.
One of the resolutions I had for 2018 was to CALM DOWN with my boot obsession. Resolution, meet these boots. And be aware that I'm adding you to my "Good Effort But What's the Point" List.
Already SLAYING the 2018 game over here.
Y'all, I read. A LOT. And not in a braggy, OMG I'M SO SMART AND AMAZING kind of way. No, my reading obsession falls more into the category of READING PUTS ME TO SLEEP AND IS ALSO A WAY TO AVOID PARENTING FOR A MINUTE, WHILE STILL SEEMING LIKE I'M SETTING A GOOD EXAMPLE. (Hi kids, it's READING HOUR, let's all expand our minds.)
(Bo says he's not interested in that, because he hasn't figure out a way to crash a book.)
3. Instagram Accounts that Make Me LOL
via @mytherapistsays
Let's be honest. Sometimes our days are amazing. And sometimes we need to hide under the covers and scroll the gram for things that will make us laugh. These are my favorites, and I would love for you to leave your fave IG accounts in the comments!
4. Athleta "Up For Anything" Tights:
I bought these tights last weekend, because wearing roughly the exact same workout clothing for the last 5 years is apparently kind of gross. It was time for an update, and I'm in love with these tights. I do feel up for anything, as long as it doesn't include burpees and does include Netflix.
I am more than a little obsessed over this sweater y'all. Put sparkles on ANYTHING, and I'll probably buy it. (Because I have the fashion sense of a 12 year old.) The fit is good, AND it is WAY on sale for under $50. I think we all know snagging an Anthro sweater for $41, is NO SMALL FEAT. Which means we can't be held responsible should we decide to throw it into our carts with wild abandon.
P.S. it's only available in a couple sizes online, but if you like it, I would contact your local Anthro, as they still had quite a few in store the other day.
What are your favorites this Friday? Or just in general? I'd love to hear them so feel free to add a comment below.
NO REALLY. FEEL FREE TO COMMENT. It's not like I would JUMP FOR JOY or anything. (But I totally would. And I might even Instastory it. You're welcome.)
Until next time,