Posts tagged beauty
beauty faves (which I may or may not know how to use)

In my 20's, I'd prance around makeup-less and dewy skinned, and be all LOOK HOW MUCH COLLAGEN MY SKIN IS PRODUCING. (jk, I didn't even know the word collagen back then. Because I didn't have to.)  And despite being often without makeup in my current life (rocking skin that is NOT in it's 20's), I've realized that I'm past the point of fresh-faced Sherri who doesn't need makeup, and firmly in the "aw honey, go put some concealer on, mkay" phase of life.

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beauty faves + a giveaway

Y'all. I think we all know that I'm not what you would call a "beauty blogger." If we're being real honest, I'm more of what we would call "focus on the clothes because makeup is confusing" kind of blogger. 

But, I have ALWAYS loved and appreciated great skincare products. Not to mention, I have confused the heck outta my skin by trying every potion I can get my hands on. Therefore, I am deeming myself a skincare expert. (Also, you should understand that this title of "expert" exists only in my mind.) 

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