Posts tagged gorjana
spring break packing strategy

Spring break is right around the corner, so I thought maybe a “spring break how to pack” post might be in order. 

(We are currently on a “work” trip for John, if by “work” you mean play golf and call it a business meeting. It's fine though, because I have big plans to go “work” at the spa. And possibly “work” on my tan.) 

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the perfect date shirt

Y'all remember how, pre-kids, you used to spend an insane amount of time prepping for a date night? You probably shaved your legs, executed the perfect smoky eye, and rocked your cutest minidress. You likely didn't have a reservation until 8pm earliest. And after dinner, you may have even gone to listen to some live music. You were young. You were cool. And you didn't have to worry about waking up at 2am with a screaming baby. 

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