Posts tagged rebecca minkoff
white boots for spring (and maybe also for president)

Listen I hate to say I told you so (no, I don't. I love saying that), but I do believe I called this white boot trend that is veering into actual classic category.

And if it's not, don't tell me. Because I am right. And also because when I find a trend I like, I wear it to death until everyone is sick of it.

White boots for president. 

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crops + boots

I get it. I totally get it. This trend is a little scary. It feels a little WRONG. But lean in close, and let me tell you something...

Let's be wrong together. 

Jk, this is actually so on trend it's not even funny. So, be prepared to wear booties with your cropped denim and have your friends be all OMG LOOK AT SUSAN, SHE IS A FASHION #BOSS

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menswear with a twist

Y'all, I have to admit something to you. I've never really enjoyed button up shirts.. For starters, I don't even know how to say it correctly. Is it button UP? Or button DOWN? Or BUTTON FRONT? Also, how far should it be unbuttoned? Like, do I go full on Duggar and button all the way up to the top? OR, should I get a little Kardashian-ish with it? 

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stripes + oxfords

(*If it tells you anything about my state of mind, I wrote this post on Monday, THOUGHT I POSTED IT, and just realized I never took it off draft. Whoops. Apparently I left my spray tan AND my sanity on vacation.)

Since the weather can't make up it's mind, you should all probably go ahead and buy this sweater. I'm assuming we will need it when it snows in June this year.

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the perfect date shirt

Y'all remember how, pre-kids, you used to spend an insane amount of time prepping for a date night? You probably shaved your legs, executed the perfect smoky eye, and rocked your cutest minidress. You likely didn't have a reservation until 8pm earliest. And after dinner, you may have even gone to listen to some live music. You were young. You were cool. And you didn't have to worry about waking up at 2am with a screaming baby. 

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