Posts in Style
white boots for spring (and maybe also for president)

Listen I hate to say I told you so (no, I don't. I love saying that), but I do believe I called this white boot trend that is veering into actual classic category.

And if it's not, don't tell me. Because I am right. And also because when I find a trend I like, I wear it to death until everyone is sick of it.

White boots for president. 

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white jeans with amelia's

Because it's Friday (and on Fridays we FAVORITE), I need to introduce you to one of my favorite boutiques. While showing you one of my FAVORITE trends. 

Try to calm down and manage your excitement. (Or else start a drinking game based on the number of times I call something my favorite.)

(With COFFEE obviously, because it's 9am and this isn't that kind of blog, y'all. Unless it's 5 o'clock somewhere.)

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shirtdress two ways

Y'all, is there any bigger workhorse in our closets than a shirtdress? (Yes, Sherri, they're called sweatpants. AHEM.)

But for real though, allow me to blow your mind. Get a shirtdress.  Wear it proudly, LIKE THE FANCY LADY YOU ARE. (Or at least the one you pretend to be.)

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crops + boots

I get it. I totally get it. This trend is a little scary. It feels a little WRONG. But lean in close, and let me tell you something...

Let's be wrong together. 

Jk, this is actually so on trend it's not even funny. So, be prepared to wear booties with your cropped denim and have your friends be all OMG LOOK AT SUSAN, SHE IS A FASHION #BOSS

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spring staples : splurge vs steal

Guys! It's Sherri's Famous (not really) Splurge vs. Steal edition!
And YOU get a steal, and YOU get a steal, and YOU get a steal!

(Don't mind me, just over here pretending to be Oprah, again.)

In honor of the fact that it's basically the dead of summer now, I'm gonna share a few of  my warm weather favorites today. First I'll show you a splurge-y option that will definitely cause your significant other to question your spending habits. Next, I'll show you my "steal" option, which essentially qualifies as INVESTING your money and making financially responsible decisions.

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Can we all just agree that athleisuring is totally a verb? Pleaseandthankyou

Like, if it were an athletic sport, I would easily medal in it. And can the Olympic committee get right on that? 

Y'all, it's been unprecedentedly cold around these parts. Like, sub-30, which means everything should be canceled, while we all go don our Uggs, sweats, and binge watch basically anything on Netflix.  Go ahead all you Northerners, roll your eyes. I'll wait.

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friday faves : what the elf edition

It's Friday favorites, guys. You know what's NOT my Friday favorite? When school closes early because of what is essentially a blizzard to us southerners, and then YOUR POWER IMMEDIATELY GOES OUT. But on the upside, I learned what my kids' Friday favorite is : complaining. And arguing. And complaining some more.  

In what is obviously a healthy coping strategy (i.e. escapism), I decided to round up a list of things that have brightened my week, starting with this: everything at Anthropologie is 30% off! And we all know that snow = shopping weather = everything is free. Or something like that. 

Let's take a peek at a couple of my other favorites, shall we?

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