Posts in Motherhood
summer. we've got this.

It's here, y'all. We've almost survived the school year. Let's ignore the fact that there are 37 projects due in the next week and a half. (Don't mind me. I'm just over here stress eating nutella and crying.) 

(Oh, and basically doing AG's project. You know, to reward her for making the excellent decision to procrastinate until the very last minute.) 

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Friday Favorites

It's Friday guys! And if you're a parent, this means that even though you had to drag, bribe, and/or shove your children out of their beds every morning this week, tomorrow they will be up at 6am. 

Fortunately, this is why the Good Lord invented technology. (Maybe for science and stuff too. But mostly so tired parents can have 30 extra minutes on a Saturday morning.)

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mom truth

There are two types of people when it comes to daylight savings time. There are the ones who bounce out of bed and are all, YAY it's spring! Let us frolic around outside because it won't even get dark until 8pm and life is amazing!

Then, there are those of us who are like WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME? YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. (Except when it's finally warm, and I can sit on a patio and watch the sunset at 8:30pm. Then we can be friends. But not in the mornings.)

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