Posts in Shopping
Friday Favorites

It's Friday guys! And if you're a parent, this means that even though you had to drag, bribe, and/or shove your children out of their beds every morning this week, tomorrow they will be up at 6am. 

Fortunately, this is why the Good Lord invented technology. (Maybe for science and stuff too. But mostly so tired parents can have 30 extra minutes on a Saturday morning.)

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stripes + oxfords

(*If it tells you anything about my state of mind, I wrote this post on Monday, THOUGHT I POSTED IT, and just realized I never took it off draft. Whoops. Apparently I left my spray tan AND my sanity on vacation.)

Since the weather can't make up it's mind, you should all probably go ahead and buy this sweater. I'm assuming we will need it when it snows in June this year.

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shopbop sale picks

Y'all. Shopbop, also known as a potential threat to my kid's college funds, is having a huge sale. And since this is critical info, and since I love you guys, I'm rounding up my favorite pieces to shop. 

(It may also be because I have a slight to very dangerous shopping problem, and have been perusing the sale like it's my job.)

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totes leather, y'all

If you are a mom and don't have a large tote bag (and by large, I mean roughly half the size of your body), then you NEED TO GET YOUR MIND RIGHT.  Actually, if you're just a woman in general, you need a tote. Because where else are we going to store our extra barre socks, hairbrush, and candy that we're hiding from our children?  Or how about the 95,000 receipts that we seem to be collecting? Little purses ain't got time fo THAT.  What about the flashlight, 17 pairs of sunglasses, and the extra pull ups? And don't even get me started on the purse gum. You know, the gum that has fallen out of the container and into the bottom of your bag. The gum that gets kinda fuzzy and has random trash stuck to it, but that you will sometimes (always) chew because you are DESPERATE. 

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monday favorites + sales

Welcome to Monday Favorites, y'all! It's a new series, inspired by the way I couldn't get my ISH together in time for a Friday Favorites post last week. I would like to say that I'm surprised, but I actually KNOW ME. 

(Also, this is not a regular series. I totally plan on being ON POINT from this day forward.)

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